Thursday, June 17, 2010

What do you do if you hair is messed up but you cant cut it anymore other wise you willbe like a guy

i am a 14 year old girl and m aunt cut my hair i liked it at first but now i dont so i need help on what to do!!!

What do you do if you hair is messed up but you cant cut it anymore other wise you willbe like a guy?

Go to a salon and ask them if their is anything they can do to fix your haircut without taking off any more lenghth. They might have to take some off in some places though. Good Luck.

What do you do if you hair is messed up but you cant cut it anymore other wise you willbe like a guy?

A hat? A do-rag? A scarf? Whenever you're out in public for the next couple of weeks, til it grows out and you can get it cut or styled like you want...

What do you do if you hair is messed up but you cant cut it anymore other wise you willbe like a guy?

Go to the beauty shop and see if she can come up with something.

What do you do if you hair is messed up but you cant cut it anymore other wise you willbe like a guy?

Make it your own. Add product, try accesories, maybe mix it up a bit with colors or ways of styling.

Remember, hair grows fairly quickly and it can be repaired in no time if you are confident while your in the growing out process.

What do you do if you hair is messed up but you cant cut it anymore other wise you willbe like a guy?

How do you know you'll look like a guy? A good stylist may be able to fix it so you don't look butch! Talk to one or use makeover

imaging software, either online or there are salons that have the equipment.

Good luck!

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