Thursday, June 17, 2010

A myth or reality: Eye brows grow if you cut these hair.?

I have been told by some one that eye brows grow only if you cut / trim them. Actually I have the problem of eye brows. The hair grow and I have to trim these. Is this myth true? Or is it in my genes? Why do eye brow hair grow? And yes I trimmed my eye brow hair when I was teen? Kevin G

A myth or reality: Eye brows grow if you cut these hair.?

if you have hair follicles that are active, hair will grow....if you wax troublesome hair, after a period of time, you will destroy those follicles and more hair...however, just left to itself, hair grows, sheds, then are not encouraging it to grow faster, or even at all...if its gonna grow, then its gonna grow

A myth or reality: Eye brows grow if you cut these hair.?

It seems like, if a boy never starts shaving, he would never develope the course beard hair that most men have. But we do it to be cool like our fathers. If we knew back then what a hassle it is shaving every day, we probably would have thought twice! With eyebrows, however; I think they do grow back a little thicker. But they seem to reach a certain length, then stop; fortunately...

A myth or reality: Eye brows grow if you cut these hair.?

It is all genetics. That is waht contorls it cutting your eyebrows has nothing to do with it.

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