I have very hairy legs and the hair are very long, i pinch few out now and then but I relize that won't help, so i dedcided to stop. The hair on my leg are long about 3 cm and it doesn'yt look like it'll grow anymore bigger unless i shave it.
But my question is if i cut the hair with scissors, so say i take about 1 cm off will that grow back?
I just want to make the hair shorter as it'll make my leg little less hairier.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
It will take you forever to do it with scissors. Get a hair trimmer like they use in the barber shops and just trim it up neatly. Not as itchy, time consuming or messy. Good Luck!
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
leave ure legs hairy.. girls like that.. i think
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
yeah it will grow back. just like when girls shave there legs there hair grows back.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Don't cut it, thats stupid. Just shave it.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
nothing except you might cut yourself
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
It will grow back.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
They will grow back quicker and darker.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
God I hope you're a guy!
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
wooooooooowwww your leg hair is that longg????? wow. but um if you were a girl i would be creeped out. if you were a boy. then i won't. if your a boy then no its not ok. the hair would grow all weird.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
they will grow back faster if you use scissors, your options are to wax them, or to use a hair removal creme
Since you are a guy, I would just learn to deal with it, I have hairy legs too and it doesn't bother me
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Are you a guy or girl??? lol If ur a guy, dont trim it, guys are supossed to have hairy legs. If ur a girl: DAMN GIRL YOU CAN BRAID THAT S.H.I.T.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
yepp, it will grow back
i don't know how it knows you cut it but it does.
so save the hours cutting your leg hair and just learn to accept it.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
guys need hair on their legs, women dont. wax em. lmao.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Thats not a bad idea.
Just trim them up. The hair
will grow back but then you
just trim it again.
Good luck!
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
it comes in thicker
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
uhh..I'm sorry but why just not shave it?? Its gonna look bad with a skirt..
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
eventually it will grow back
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
if you trim it, it will grow back....longer and thicker. get a wax.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
dude 3 cms is notihn if ur a guy dude be proud of um show um off dont be a pussy dont be afriad to be diffrent if ur like in 8th im in 6th i got a muschate haha people tell me they wish they had one
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
yank with tweezers, it could result in stunted growth and the papillae could die from improper use problem eventally fixed in years, tweeze away I say.....
Never saw a hairy swimmer. maybe the chlorine does something. ;)
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Yes it will grow as does your hair on your head and pubic area when it is cut. It grows from the inside out just like any other hair. It will just be shorter for awhile.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
cutting will definately make it grow back.It will probably grow longer and thicker every time you cut it. use a cream or shave frequently. If your going to just cut some leave it alone
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Yes, your leg hair will always grow back... as will your arm hair. But you shouldn't be embarrassed about it. Believe me I've seen some HAIRY men... but the whole leg hair thing... never once has bothered me... or anyone I can think of. Now if you've got those long curls slipping out around your shirt collar, thats when you should worry.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
once the ends of the hair are cut the pores are open thus causing it to begin to grow again , so yes , i wouldnt cut it unless you plan on doing it continually , and it wil also leave you with a stubbly feeling as if you shaved because you are making the ends blunt
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
you might cut ur self
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Yes it does grow back. That is also very time consuming! You have to remember that hair is dead cells from your body, just like your skin. When you shave or cut your hair it grows back just like if you get a cut on ur arm the skin will grow back over it. I wouldn't worry so much on the hairy legs, many girls want that, because it shows that you don't take 3 hours to get ready for a date. Just be confident about yourself! :)
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
dont trim it with scissors, it will be uneven...and i bet u would regret shaving it since it would look realy weird on a guy
but if u must know how it looks, shave a part of your upper thigh, somewhere no one will see, and see what happens...
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
u shouldn't
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Are you a girl or a boy? It will continue to grow.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Shave it... just cover your legs up for a few days during the stubble period than you'll have not so hairy hairy legs for like a week or so.
What will happen if i cut(trim) my leg hair with scissors?
Yes, it will grow back.
However that thing about growing back "thicker" is just a myth. If it's the sight of it that bothers you and you have pale skin, you can always "dye" the hair so it's not too visible. Squeeze lemon juice on it and sit out in the sun!
If it makes you feel better, it sure doesn't hurt to trim it. Go for it!
Ps. To the first person to answer, I personally hate excessively hairly legs, even on men. Shaving will have better results, but unless you can prove to your inquiring peers that you play some sport, it can be emasculating.
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