Saturday, November 28, 2009

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

dudees..i am 15, male, and i have not rele long hair but maybe like 3 inches from th root to the tip. they cover my eyes for the most part. My dad wants me to cut it! kill me? uggh i cant imagine going back to short hair...anything i can say to him to change his mind?

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Yeah tell them you want your tongue pierced. They will be so upset about that they will forget about the hair. After they convince you not to get one tell them ok but im keeping my hair.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?


MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

I don't think there's ever been a case of anyone dying from a haircut, unless there's a really BAD slip up with the scissors.

You whine like a little girl about your hair. Dang.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

cut your hair

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

No. Just man up and get it done.


MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Get a haircut you hippie!

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

argh! ask him why he wants you to cut it...if its something like its 'untidy' tell him you keep it neat and wash it everyday.. if all else fails tell them you're expressing your individuality and you like it long lol!

they can't force you to cut it ...unless they chop it when you're asleep lol!

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

jeust say no i aint getting it cut, i want to let it grow out

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

It your hair and you are 15 and should be able to make that decision for your self now as it's age appropriate.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

do what your parents say. until you are of age they are in charge of you.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

it will always grow back

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

yeah don't give in on this one. tell him your hair is antennae extending out into nature and the universe

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

cut it

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Long hair is out! chicks dig guys with shorter hair! you may end up thanking him for making you do it!

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

it will grow back. just get it cut so your eyes show and leave the rest longer

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

tell ur dad u wanna try out this hairstyle for a while n if it doesnt seem good u will take him up on his advice.u never know ....u might look pretty attractive with a mushroom cut or something.keep trying.u never no wat impresses the opposite sex.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

um tell him that your growing it out and are going to donate it to the cancer kids for wigs....or something like that. its a good cause, not that you have to do it, but its a believable story

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

15? I'd tell him you respect his opinion but that you feel you are old enough to decide what you hair style will be. Howver explain that you do still realize that there are plenty of things that his rules still govern.

As long as he realizes that you aren't bucking his authority, just trying to be an individual he may relax. Also point out that you'll never learn to make your own decision if you can't start now with small ones like hairstyle.

Unless he's a marine, then good luck.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Cut it hippie! there are some really cute short cuts you could get. And you wont die I promise!

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Nah, just kind of eat it, get a haircut but, come back with it wrong, like a 1/4" cut off and shape it, do you have any idea how often I was threatened with "CUT THAT HAIR" ! I just have not heard it in SO LONG, thanks for the "time trip", LOL !

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Say youll lose all your strength and topple a building.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Get in trimmed so it is not in your eyes. That is probably the part that is bothering your dad. He probably can't stand seeing the hair in your eyes. Just trim it up a little to make it look neater.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

it's your choice if you want your hair cut but your mom and dad don't need to tell you if you need your hair cut!

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

Get over it. Talk to your dad and tell him you dont want to cut your hair, you like this style. He was young once, he should understand.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

My son is 22 months old. His hair is down to the middle of his shoulder blades when wet. My WHOLE family tells me to cut it. I say that when he is old enough to decide for himself he may cut it. or maybe he will take the scissors to it when he is just a little older. either way, try going at your rents like that...tell them that there are only so many decisions that you are old enoiugh to consider the outcome...can't you alone decide how long to wear your hair?

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

well if he's strict just say,"Dad, I do not want to cut my hair. I'm happy the way I am." Gets em ev

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

sure tell him if he makes you cut it then you are getting a tattoo LOL---okay that is a little extreme---LOL okay tell him if you must get it cut you want a green and purple mohawk---that shoudl make the rents back off

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

He probably just thinks you look like a dope with your hair covering your eyes all the time.

I'd to the barber and get your head shaved bald just to see his reaction.

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

oh man i feel your pain there not a lot i can say without having met him or knowing anything of his personalty but i gusse your best bet is to tell him why you want long hair or why you dont want short hair mabey that change his mind if not see if you can agree to some sort of middel ground keep cool cause otherwise he may just get stiffed necked about the whole thing and won't budge,, good luck

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

tell him its your hair and it aint hurting him or any1 else...

MY parents want me to CUT my hair!!! imma gonna die...?

"If u make me cut my hair I will commit suicide!!!"


"leave me alone , go cut your own hair."


"this is my style and I love it"

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